Jumat, 11 November 2011

Tugas SI 2

Google Accounts
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Create an Account

Your Google Account gives you access to Gmail and other Google services. If you already have a Google Account, you can sign in here.

Get started with Gmail


Examples: JSmith, John.Smith

Minimum of 8 characters in length.
Password strength:

If you forget your password we will ask for the answer to your security question. Learn More

This address is used to authenticate your account should you ever encounter problems or forget your password. If you do not have another email address, you may leave this field blank. Learn More

MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. "10/26/2011")
Type the characters you see in the picture below.
Visual verification

Letters are not case-sensitive
Terms of Service: Please check the Google Account information you've entered above (feel free to change anything you like), and review the Terms of Service below.

With Gmail, you won't see blinking banner ads. Instead, we display ads you might find useful that are relevant to the content of your messages. Learn more
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By clicking on 'I accept' below you are agreeing to the Terms of Service above and both the Program Policy and the Privacy Policy.

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Merawat kulit wajah dengan buah-buahan

Buah-buahan selain bermanfaat untuk menyehatkan tubuh kita, ternyata buah mempunyai kelebihan yang sangat bermanfaat. Buah- buhan ternyata juga bisa membuat wajah kita menjadi cantik secara alami. Berikut beberapa buah yang dapat mempercantik wajah anda.